
All broths and soups delivered with 10 days to expiration. All natural fats can be kept ambient, refrigerate after opening and keep up to 2 months To extend shelf life of our broths freeze and consume within 12 months. Once opened keep in the refrigerator and use within 2-3 days. All orders can be placed via email: Deliveries before Tuesday Midday will be delivered the following Friday, Deliveries before Friday midday will be delivered following Tuesday, except for Bank Holidays. 

Our courier will deliver in secure chilled/ temperature controlled boxes secure for 48 hours. 

Refunds for failed next day deliveries are not applicable for one day delays where temperature is not compromised. 

If you need any further details or have any questions please email us is

How we deliver

Orders before Tuesday midday will be delivered the following Thursday. Orders before Friday midday will be delivered following Tuesday. If you need any further details or have any questions please email us at

All broths and soups are delivered frozen. Once received please put in the freezer immediately and follow use by date, or Enjoy by thawing in the fridge and consumed within 7 days. All natural fats can be kept ambient, refrigerate after opening and keep up to 2 months.

Partnerships & Collaborations

If you're in the health and wellness industry and you'd like to collaborate with us or join our affiliate program, we'd love to hear from you.
Please email our team with your information and we'll get back to you with our details on working together.