
So You Want to Know about Gut Health?

If you have heard the term in the last six months and you are wondering what it means, we at Ossa Organic can tell you all about it.

Did you know you have more bacteria in your gut than cells in your body. This means it is well worth the investment of nourishing these good bacteria to create a strong and fighting fit army we like to call the microbiome.

Toxins and inflammatory foods as well as medication like antibiotics can have a negative or deadly impact on this microbiome. Gut health is the belief that by incorporating low inflammatory and healing foods like fermented vegetables and bone broth into your diet, you strengthen your good bacteria count. These good bacteria feed and thrive on prebiotics (naturally occurring probiotics like sauerkraut) and probiotics as well as l-gluthamine and collagen and gelatin (that heal and seal the gut), hugely prevalent in bone broth.

Ossa Organic is a gut healing food business and we believe in the restorative, healing properties of natural food. We believe in schools of thought such as GAPS diet (read about how I cured my sons food allergy related eczema with this diet here) and Weston A Price ( which advocated the healing power of bone broth and the power of natural, clean and grass fed animal fats as a source of clean fuel for the body (

Gut health:

·       Strengthen your microbiome with organic, natural and real food

·       Take a daily probiotic (make sure you seek advice on a genuine and trusted brand, we love and and I used this for the boys when they were born

·       Incorporate fermented foods, bone broth and apple cider vinegar into your diet daily

·       Supplement with collagen powder

·       Reduce intake of refined white carbohydrates (we believe in the Paleo way of life and have seen huge health benefits from eating this way. Please note, Paleo DOES NOT mean low or no carb. I have two growing boys who adore there buttered white rice and roasted sweet potaotes. Equally, Paleo also does not mean all meat. There are some amazing fish based recipes ( as well as some wonderful vegetarian dishes that use The Bone Broth as a base

·       Create a strong and thriving gut nourished by real food so if you do need to take antibiotics you can be well prepared and know the “hacks” for your gut health when on antibiotics (read here).

Gut health is a gradual lifestyle change and does not need to happen overnight. It took me 2 years to change my husband and my way of eating. It has now been 5 years since then and it started with one small change. Maybe today for you, that is incorporating a cup of bone broth into your cooking for the family each day or even each week. An old Chinese proverb says “It is better to take many small steps all in the right direction than to make a great leap forward, only to stumble backward.”

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