“One of the things I don’t want to do is to look at my grandchildren and hear them say: ‘Grandfather, you knew it was happening – and you did nothing’” - David Attenborough
The recent powerful demonstrations against the many forces that are leading to the destruction of the environment and looming catastrophic climate change in our times have certainly captured the public’s imagination and more and more people are paying attention.
The appetite for change is strong and the clock is ticking. Environmentalists and activists young and old have taught as that we really need to collaborate to save our one and only planet and preserve it for the future generations. At Ossa we not just welcome but are passionate about this movement.
In this way one of our first initiatives as a business was to become a B Corporation, an international collective of businesses that balances purpose and profit and consider the impact of their decisions on their workers, customers, suppliers, community, and the environment.
We became a registered B Corp within the second year of trading and were awarded B Corps “Best for Environment” honouree for our all sustainable supply chain.
At Ossa we are proud of our all sustainable supply chain, using only premium local and organic ingredients and we are thrilled to be featured alongside other likeminded companies.
It was a discovery of the importance of gut health and sustainability both for people and planet that sparked the interest of founder, Catherine Farrant, to start Ossa. Ossa is committed to promoting an approach to eating that uses only natural, organic, grass fed and pasture-reared products which optimize health while minimising cost to the environment.
As more of us become aware of the impact of intensive farming of cattle livestock and their enormously detrimental impact on carbon emissions, animal cruelty and nutritional values of intensely farmed- meat based diets, a growing number of people taking up a vegan lifestyle. We see that there is an alternative with mindful choices.
We believe in investing more for our animal products and to move away from the damaging appetite for cheap and plentiful intensively farmed meat. We are re-discovering and tapping into the lost science behind how we used to eat and counteracting the effects of industrialized living on ourselves and the environment.
Vegan or carnivore - sustainability is the key.