
You can’t talk about health without mentioning the huge significance of the gut. This complex and fascinating organ weighs up to 2kg, contains 500 million neurons and is home to around 100 trillion microbes, that’s more than the amount of humans on the earth! 

It’s a vital component not only to our digestive health but our mental health and immune system too. 

Did you know that 95% of your serotonin (the happy hormone) is produced in your gut? And many mental health disorders result in gut issues (or vice versa).

On top of this 70% of your immune system lives in it! In fact, almost 90% of all disease can be linked back to the gut in some way or another.

Unfortunately, it seems this all important knowledge is largely unknown, just as it was to Aguulp co-founder Stephen Manderson (AKA Professor Green) before he set out to heal his gut and improve his mental health - a journey which subsequently led to the birth of Aguulp.


And so it began…Here’s Stephen’s story.

“I suffered from gut health problems since birth and underwent years of conventional treatments that caused awful side effects. Surgery for gastritis left my stomach partially paralyzed and the doctor's recommendation? More surgery.

Instead, I decided to fix my gut through a healthy diet and high-quality supplements. Doctors were shocked by my nearly perfect blood panels and what shocked me was that I also felt happier, less anxious, had deeper sleep and higher motivation.”

This was the ‘aha moment’ and the beginning of his deep dive into the world of gut health and supplementing.

“Looking after my gut definitely made my head better but I was annoyed that I was taking a large combination of supplements and clueless about what exactly was working. I couldn’t understand why there wasn’t one, cohesive supplement combining all the best ingredients designed to enhance physical and mental health.”

After having this realisation, the ball really started rolling, Stephen teamed up with co-founder Kevin Godlington and they enlisted the help of Nutrivitality - a UK-based supplement manufacturer and laboratory with over 10 years of experience within the nutritional supplement industry. It was time to make their vision a reality. 

They worked tirelessly on the development of Aguulp, perfecting the formulas to offer a one-stop shop for better gut and mental health in the most effective way possible.


All in all we believe a healthy diet, balanced lifestyle and straight forward supplement routine is key to happiness and health, that’s how Stephen happened upon Ossa Organic's range in the first place, and it’s safe to say the whole team are now big fans. 


"The Ossa Organic bone broths are delicious and packed full of nutrients, great for the gut which is what sparked my interest towards them in the first place, I also often use the ghee as an alternative to butter. It has a higher smoke point, it’s lactose free and it’s said to help the body absorb vitamins and minerals. Another quick hack is adding a serving of the grass fed collagen to smoothies or shakes for an extra boost, I tend to cram as much nutrients into my drinks as possible and get it down to start my day right!" 

If you’d like to learn more about our supplements or even give them a try for yourself you can use this special discount code OSSA20 for 20% at 

Thanks for reading! 

Lot’s of love, Team Aguulp and Stephen Manderson x

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