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Fat not Fiction: Why low fat is not always the healthier option - Ossa Organic

Fat not Fiction: Why low fat is not always the healthier option

The idea that a low-fat diet is always healthier has been a popular belief for several decades. However, recent research has shown that this is not the case.  Firstly, it is... Read More

How to lower your toxic load - starting in the kitchen!

Non-toxic cooking is a growing trend in the culinary and health and food world alike, as people become more aware of the harmful chemicals that can leach into their food when using certain cookware and utensils as well as certain ingredients. In this blog we'll explore what non-toxic cooking is, why it matters, and some of the best practices for cooking all natural and nourishing foods. Non-toxic cooking fats such as ghee and tallow have several health benefits over refined vegetable oils...

How to lower your toxic load - starting in the kitchen! - Ossa Organic
How does Collagen promote Gut Health? - Ossa Organic

How does Collagen promote Gut Health?

If you were wondering what makes this powerhouse protein nature's superfood then you have come to the right place. 

So let's take a deep dive into how collagen protein supports gut health and the benefits it offers for digestive function.

Collagen is a type of protein molecule that is found throughout our body and is an essential component of many tissues, including the skin, bones, and tendons. Collagen is also present in the gut, where it plays an important role in supporting digestive health. 

Our top mood boosting foods for a healthy and happy mind body connection!

Food plays an important role in not just how our body performs but our mood and overall well-being. What we eat is so much more than just calories but affects our brain chemistry and influences our mood. While controlling are emotions is a lot easier said than done, your diet is a great way to make sure that you are giving your brain and your gut the nutrients it needs to be calm, clear and restored for optimal function. 

Our top mood boosting foods for a healthy and happy mind body connection! - Ossa Organic
The link between gut health and your skin - Ossa Organic

The link between gut health and your skin

Gut health and skin health are intricately linked and play an important role in maintaining overall wellness - in fact our skin is our largest organ of our body!  A healthy gut is essential for healthy skin and vice versa so here's a closer look at the connection between gut health and skin health and how you can look after both and glow inside and out. 

What is leaky gut syndrome and how you can use food to help restore your gut health

When it comes to restoring your gut health, what you eat plays a big role. The good news is, there are plenty of delicious foods out there that can help get your gut back on track. Here are a few things to keep in mind when it comes to eating for gut health:

What is leaky gut syndrome and how you can use food to help restore your gut health - Ossa Organic
What does grass fed and pasture raised mean and why is it so important when sourcing animal products - Ossa Organic

What does grass fed and pasture raised mean and why is it so important when sourcing animal products

There are a lot of collagen products on the market these days, and they all claim to be the best one. Most people judge a product based on its purported... Read More

The difference between collagen and gelatine and when you should use them

When you’re looking into super proteins to enrich your diet, you can’t do better than collagen or gelatine. These are both incredibly powerful supplements that offer benefits for your skin, hair,... Read More
The difference between collagen and gelatine and when you should use them - Ossa Organic
Top 10 nourishing and delicious recipes with our Grass Fed Collagen Protein - Ossa Organic

Top 10 nourishing and delicious recipes with our Grass Fed Collagen Protein

Collagen peptides/protein offers a complete health supplement, without any additives artificial / processed ingredients it is much more easily absorbed by our bodies. Now let’s dive into these 10 grass-fed collagen recipes. They’re not only easy to make but also packed with nourishing foods that will help your body naturally heal and thrive.

Eating with Purpose, Q &A with Well Easy and Catherine Farrant

Catherine Farrant sits down with Well Easy to talk about natural nourishment and the healing power of food...
Eating with Purpose, Q &A with Well Easy and Catherine Farrant - Ossa Organic